5 Little-Known Dental Care Tips With a Big Impact
Not Only the Usual Instructions for Dental Care are Decisive
Good dental hygiene is not only important for a bright smile, but also for the overall health of the body. Almost everyone knows the common recommendations for dental care: brushing your teeth thoroughly at least twice a day, using dental floss, getting regular professional teeth cleanings, and eating a healthy, low-sugar diet.
However, there are 5 little-known dental care tips that have a big impact and can be easily integrated into everyday life.
1. The Short Espresso Helps Twice
A short espresso or ristretto not only wakes you up, but also has the advantage that you can drink it quickly.
Coffee is not harmful to the teeth in itself - apart from the discoloration, which can be removed again. However, it can become problematic if you sip your coffee all day. Coffee changes the pH level in the mouth, which is usually not a problem for tooth enamel.
However, drinking coffee in small doses throughout the day can damage tooth enamel. It is therefore advisable to drink a short, concentrated espresso several times a day instead of sipping a cup of coffee over a longer period of time..
2. "Hamster Cheeks" or Florid Is Better Than Its Reputation
The amount of fluoride that can be used to produce toothpaste is subject to strict safety limits in the EU.
As a result, the disadvantages for the human body are minimized, while the great advantages for dental health are retained.
Tooth enamel is the hardest material in our body. It consists of calcium and phosphate, among other things. The bacteria that live in the mouth excrete acids that decalcify the tooth enamel and make it vulnerable.
Florid hardens the tooth enamel and above all contributes to the fact that the calcium in the saliva is stored in the tooth enamel. A natural re-mineralization and hardening of the enamel takes place.
You should therefore not spit out the toothpaste immediately after brushing your teeth (“better make your cheeks like a hamster”) and give the Florid a short time to accelerate the natural calcium storage. Afterwards, of course, please spit out the toothpaste as usual.
Important: Children need special toothpaste with a lower fluoride content. Since 2021 there has been a joint paper by German dentists and specialists in child and adolescent medicine, which recommends the use of one specific Florid source in children depending on their age. Learn more
3. Diet Drinks Do Not Protect Teeth
Diet drinks usually contain acid additives which lower the pH value in the mouth and attack tooth enamel. Additives such as citric acid (E330) or phosphoric acid (E338) are examples. Regular consumption of diet drinks can damage your teeth - similar to conventional sugary soft drinks. You should therefore limit the consumption of soft drinks - with or without sugar - as much as possible.
4. It's the Timing That Counts
It is known that you should brush your teeth at least twice a day, in the morning and in the evening, after meals. However, the timing of when to clean after meals is also crucial.
The rule is: wait 30 minutes before and 30 minutes after with drinks and food.
Brushing your teeth immediately after eating can rub the acids from food and drink (especially sweet or sour substances) into the enamel, weakening and wearing away the enamel. It is therefore recommended to wait at least 30 minutes before brushing your teeth so that the acidity in the mouth returns to normal levels and the enamel has time to recover.
Everyday tip: If you don't have the time, you can rinse your mouth with water or chew sugar-free chewing gum to neutralize the acid in your mouth and stimulate salivation.
It is also recommended not to eat or drink anything immediately after brushing your teeth, so as not to affect the effect of brushing. This is because after brushing, tooth enamel is even more delicate and vulnerable to acids that can be found in food and drink. It is recommended to wait at least 30 minutes before eating or drinking anything to give the enamel enough time to recover and harden after brushing.
5. The Right Tooth Brushing Technique
The right tooth brushing technique has an enormous influence on our dental health. When you consider that the average person brushes their teeth around 55,000 times in their lifetime, it becomes clear how small changes can have a big impact. By consistently using the right technique, tooth decay and gum disease can be effectively prevented.
Circular movements: In order to effectively remove the deposits, you should brush your teeth with gentle circular movements. It is advisable to work slowly forwards, starting from the back teeth.
Not too much pressure: When brushing your teeth, please do not apply too much pressure to avoid damaging the enamel and injuring the gums.
Change brush heads: It is important to change the tooth heads of the toothbrush regularly, as worn bristles can no longer clean effectively and can also be a breeding ground for bacteria. It is recommended to replace the tooth tip every three to four months.
Proper flossing: A recommended technique is to floss in a "C" shape around the tooth and gently slide up and down to remove debris. It is important not to apply too much pressure and injure the gums.
Important: The tooth brushing technique must be individually adapted to your own situation. It is also important to have them checked and advised regularly by the dentist. Because everyone has different needs and challenges when it comes to dental care, which may require an adapted technique.